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December Sunday Services

Our full programme of Christmas services, including our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services, can be found on our Christmas page.

All are very welcome to join us on a Sunday whether you're a Christian, from another faith or from none at all. Our 9.15am service is more traditional in style, whilst our 11am service is more informal.  We love having children and families join us each Sunday. So at our 11am service there are groups for ages 3-16s and a supervised creche with sound relay for anyone coming with a baby or toddler.


Sunday 8th December

Nativity Sunday
9.15am Communion service (Matthew 1:17-25)
11.00am All Age Nativity Service

6.45pm Church Family Prayer Meeting


Sunday 15th December

Hope for a world that never gets better
Isaiah 11
9.15am Communion service
11.00am Service with groups for 0-16s

7pm Carols by Candlelight
followed by mince pies and mulled wine


Sunday 22nd December

Joy for the world
Isaiah 12
9.15am Service of the Word
11.00am Communion service with children's activities


Sunday 29th December

Overflowing grace
John 1:15-18
10.30am Communion service with groups for 0-16s